This blog is a (much!) less-than-formal outlining of recent travels, events, happenings, thoughts and comments which tend to have some occupational relevance, but are on occasion nothing more than a means of passing the time while waiting for trains, planes & automobiles...

Sunday 29 May 2022

Cost of Freedom

The Prime Minister said when Sue Gray’s report was released on Wednesday that the hundreds of billions spent on dealing with the pandemic had left the UK in a "very difficult fiscal position", or to put it another way, our cost of living crisis is actually a £370 billion cost of lockdown crisis. 

I'm not writing this with the benefit of hindsight, as I always thought lockdowns achieved nothing, but Sue Gray's report tells us that Boris, Party Marty Reynolds and the rest of the Downing Street Frat boys clearly didn't believe in them either.

And they appear to have got away with everything!

They have got away with trashing our economy, imposing lockdowns and even breaking those oh-so-important lockdowns on multiple occasions because large numbers of people still believe that lockdowns were a good, some sort of necessary evil.  

The general public will not accept otherwise because they don’t want to believe what is (and in my opinion always was) something very obvious: we were subjected to three absolutely pointless lockdowns. 

That the government didn’t believe in these rules is evidenced by the fact that while you were having your cancer treatment cancelled or your small business closed down again, Downing Street was partying to the extent that at one point there were so many empties the bin was overflowing. 

The truth is that the public don't want to believe that all the pain was for nothing. It would be embarrassing for them to contemplate the thought that they'd collaborated with their own needless oppression, which as John Tierney in City Journal says, "Adults meekly surrendered their most basic liberties, cheered on leaders who devastated the economy and imposed two years of cruel and unnecessary deprivations on their children. They don’t want to admit that these sacrifices were in vain".

The Sue Gray report also tells us what many of us have known for many years: we already knew: Boris Johnson lacks discipline, character, maturity, integrity and any sense of responsibility.

While everybody's local pub was closed, the Downing Street gang were having "work events" which consisted of drinking in the afternoon, getting into fights, vomiting, spilling red wine, leaving at 2am and were responsible for "multiple examples of lack of respect and poor treatment of cleaning and security staff".

Under Johnson’s premiership, the "work force" under him have trashed the office of the government, trashed the economy with lockdown and they have trashed the country. 

So if you think that our political elite are laughing at you, it is because they are laughing at you. 

If you feel they've "got away with it", it is because they have got away with it, and if, like me, you think that maybe you shouldn’t have gone along with the masochistic lockdowns, then it’s because you shouldn’t have gone along with them. 

Lockdown – the joke is on us.  

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