This blog is a (much!) less-than-formal outlining of recent travels, events, happenings, thoughts and comments which tend to have some occupational relevance, but are on occasion nothing more than a means of passing the time while waiting for trains, planes & automobiles...

Monday 30 June 2008

ELSRN Summer Conference

Approximately 100 delegates, mainly from the South East, attended this year's ELSRN (Eastern Learning Skills & Research Network) conference "‘Challenges for the future of the HE in FE sector". First keynote was Bill Rammell MP, Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education, DIUS who outlined the challenges facing the delivery of HE in FE (strangley never mentioned too many contact hours, no time for scholarly activity & subject updating etc) and (inadverently?) paraphrased Spiderman when he said “With increased power comes increased responsibility”.
He was followed by Professor Yvonne Hillier from the University of Brighton who, amongst other things, told us about the growth of Fds before HEFCE's Ruth Tucker spoke on "HE in FECs: a review of HEFCE policy", followed by QAA's Ian Welch on "IQER – The story so far", Professor Robin Smith (MOVE/LLN) on "FE/HE partnerships in vocational progression" and the conference closed (on a highlight?) with yours truly enthralling(? hopefully!) the assessembled masses with "How HE in FE practitioners benefit from HE support". On the original programme Bill Rammell was supposed follow me & close the conference but at short notice "had to reschedule" without any explanation given.
Make of that what you will.

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