Having spent a less than exciting evening in Chippenham (where an "About the Area" guide lists one of Swindon's roundabouts as a "place of interest"!), an early morning train ride took me to Corsham for a HE/Partner Staff Development day. Appoximately 50 college lecturers gathered to hear a welcome, a short talk by a HE Manager, then yours truly on why college lecturers should get involved with scholarly activity and how they can be supported before dispersing to attend sessions entitled “How does a FE lecturer become a HE lecturer?”, “Improving recruitment, retention and achievement ”, "Assessing group work with work based learners"and “Building confidence: the transition into HE”.
Although by the time these had started I was already making the 5 hour journey back wondering whether the locals thought the stone circle down the road was some precursor to modern roundabouts.....
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